четверг, 24 ноября 2016 г.

The Sleeping Beauty
Once there was a king and a queen. Their little daughter was going to be christened. The queen chose seven fairy godmothers for the child. They promised her health, wealth and beauty. But the king and the queen forgot to invite one bad fairy. She said that the princess would prick her finger and fall asleep for a hundred years. 
The king and queen immediately banned all sharp needles from the kingdom. But somehow one was missed, and when the princess reached her 18th birthday, she found it and pricked her fingers. She fell asleep at once, and the entire palace with her.
Time passed, and tales of the sleeping princess were told to princes in other lands. Many searched for the palace, but it had become so overgrown with trees and thorn bushes that none of them succeded. 
Then, Just one hundred years after the princess had fallen asleep, a handsome young prince stumbled across the forest. He hacked his way through the trees and thorns until he reached the palace and all its sleeping inhabitants. He entered and soon found the princess, asleep on her bed. He thought she was beautiful and kissed her. She awoke and fell in love with the prince straight away. Then everyone woke up. The prince and princess were married, and they all lived happily ever after.

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